A word with
Emanuele Piras
Elio Mignini
Member of AgroFOOD Industry Hi Tech's Scientific Advisory Board
This year, the 7th Intercontinental Personal Care Excellence Conference (IPCE), organized by the Italian Society of Cosmetology (SICC), will take place on June 11-12 in the enchanting city of Venice, Italy, hosted at the “Scuola Grande di San Marco,” a splendid venue nestled in the heart of Venice. International experts in cosmetology will gather to engage in discussions and network with authors of the top posters from the recent IFSCC Congress in Barcelona, along with internationally acclaimed master readers.
For deeper insights, we had the privilege of interviewing for HPC Today Elio Mignini and Emanuele Piras, both members of the IPCE international scientific committee.
This is the seventh edition of IPCE, is there continuity with the last edition?
Elio Mignini: The idea of organizing an event of high scientific value, which would involve continental areas engaged in strategic competition of personal care, has emerged at a meeting between members of the Italian, American and Japanese Executive Boards in 2016.
SICC, the Italian Society of Cosmetology, has always been in favor of an integration between research models in the most committed Nations in cosmetic science; this is also one of the most important objectives of the World Federation (IFSCC) to promote inter-zonal dissemination and training in cosmetic science to students and Junior cosmetologists.
Leveraging the “Made in Italy” brand, it was decided by mutual agreement to allocate the Conference in an Italian resort, close to one of the numerous Italian UNESCO cultural sites.
The original idea to which we have given continuity, was to select the best Posters presented at the last IFSCC Congress in order to give visibility as Podium Lecturers to young cosmetologists; the first Edition was held in Stresa, on Lake Maggiore, in 2017; the 2nd in Sestri Levante, the 3rd exceptionally in Hong Kong joined with the Asian Society ASCS, the 4th and 5th were given as on-line Conferences because of the Pandemia, that’s why “Renaissance” has been the motto that have characterized the 6th Edition that was kept last year in Sardinia again in-presence!
Once again this year, we are proud to re-propose the much appreciated model, which gives young researchers the opportunity to exhibit as “Podium Lecturers”.
IPCE over the years has established itself as a connecting bridge between the last IFSCC Congress and the following one: in this case Barcelona and Foz du Iguass!

The title and main focus this year is ‘Biodiversity and Sustainability’ - Rethinking Beauty, why?
Emanuele Piras: As already mentioned, IPCE is the link between the two IFSCC congresses. Normally we focus on the previous one which is the source of papers for our podia. For this 7th edition, we decided to make this link even more visible and highlight the great connection between the themes of the two events: “Biodiversity & Sustainability” will be the leading theme of the 2024 IFSCC Congress in Brazil, while “Rethinking Beauty” was the theme of the 2023 Edition in Barcelona, from which we have taken the best Poster to be presented in Venice in June; we believe that these two themes are linked in a kind of continuous line in which the cosmetic science should keep the focus.
And can you give us a preview of the main contents?
Emanuele Piras: Skin Wellness, How Technology may help, Sustainable Resources and Cutting edge on Makeup are the 4 Session themes of the 7th edition.
All these topics are crucial in today’s cosmetic world and highly connected; skin wellness cannot disregard sustainability and traceability as well as cutting edge innovation cannot be reached without technology. Dr. Ratan K. Chauduri, Dr. Giulio Pirotta and Dr. Apostolos Pappas will be the Keynote Speakers for the first 3 Sessions which will bring us through this exciting program.
“Enabling healthy and nutritious foods for people and planet”
This year’s congress is a ‘Special Edition’, is there a particular project behind it? How important is the Venice venue?
Elio Mignini: “Special Edition” because this year IPCE is proposing a particular project, which is not only scientific but also cultural; in fact, together with the usual high-level scientific program, in which the authors of the best Posters presented in Barcelona, will alternate with internationally renowned Keynote Readers, Venice will give some special surprise! Infact, the social program will highlight the anniversary of one of the most appreciated worldwide Soprano, Maria Callas, that was celebrated this year at the “La Fenice” Theatre.
“Special Edition” also because we return to Venice after the 2 Congresses organised by the Italian Society that are still remembered as amongst the best IFSCC Congresses ever organised!
Programme, information, registration, on the SICC website: https://www.sicc.it/
Monica Nizzardo
Editorial Manager TKS

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