Biosurfactants - The State of the Industry


Managing Partner Neil A Burns LLC

ABSTRACT: The scope of this article is restricted to surfactants produced by living organisms via metabolic pathways. It will not include surfactants made from biobased feedstocks by chemical means. Nor will it include surfactants made outside of living organisms via enzymatic catalysis or other types of biocatalysis. APG’s therefore will not be covered other than noting that they are popularly used by biosurfactant companies as market benchmarks. We will also not cover the interesting variety of products made from bio-based feedstocks by a range of chemical and biocatalytic processes. The restriction of the article’s scope in this way is not meant to communicate a value judgement on any of the included or excluded surfactants or companies. Rather, the defined scope allows a more concise treatment of the subject matter and, conveniently, allows for at least one future article on the state of the industry in other biobased surfactant classes.

“A study in healthy women providing probiotic yogurt for four weeks showed an improvement in emotional responses as measured by brain scans”

Figure 1. Skin Section with Microbiome. Most microorganisms live in the superficial layers of the stratum corneum and in the upper parts of the hair follicles. Some reside in the deeper areas of the hair follicles and are beyond the reach of ordinary disinfection procedures. There bacteria are a reservoir for recolonization after the surface bacteria are removed.

Materials and methods

Studies of major depressive disorder have been correlated with reduced Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria and symptom severity has been correlated to changes in Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, and Bacteriodes. Gut microbiota that contain more butyrate producers have been correlated with improved quality of life (1).

A study in healthy women providing probiotic yogurt for four weeks showed an improvement in emotional responses as measured by brain scans (2). A subsequent study by Mohammadi et al. (3) investigated the impacts of probiotic yogurt and probiotic capsules over 6 weeks and found a significant improvement in depression-anxiety-stress scores in subjects taking the specific strains of probiotics contained in the yogurt or capsules. Other studies with probiotics have indicated improvements in depression scores, anxiety, postpartum depression and mood rating in an elderly population (4-7).

Other studies have indicated a benefit of probiotic supplementation in alleviating symptoms of stress. In particular, researchers have looked at stress in students as they prepared for exams, while also evaluating other health indicators such as flu and cold symptoms (1). In healthy people, there is an indication that probiotic supplementation may help to maintain memory function under conditions of acute stress.


There are over 20 companies involved in commercial activity in biosurfactants today. It is a popular and growing field. The listing of those companies in Table 1 all but guarantees that I will receive information on several more by email in response to this article. Good. Please do get in touch if I have missed you in the listing.

The history of biosurfactants in the form of Rhamnolopids spans almost 80 years and goes back to 1946 when Bergström et al. (1) reported an oily glycolipid produced by Pseudomonas pyocyanea (now P. aeruginosa) after growth on glucose, that was named pyolipic acid and whose structural units were identified as l-rhamnose and β-hydroxydecanoic acid by Jarvis and Johnson (2) in 1949. The most recent ten years however, has produced a renewed flurry of research, commercial and investment activity involving some chemical giants such as BASF, Sasol and Evonik and new investor backed startups like Holiferm, Amphistar, Locus and others. In 2024, biosurfactants are having a moment but it still remains to be seen whether and when this class of compounds can form a significant part of the surfactants market.

The case for biosurfactants is commonly understood and should require only brief elaboration. Today’s surfactant industry is built primarily on petrochemical and palm based feedstocks. Both supply chains are volatile, correlated and have other challenges around concentration of supply and, at least in the case of petrochemicals, sustainability. The search for the so-called third leg of the surfactant value chain has been underway in a serious manner since the early 2000’s and today’s biosurfactant companies often position themselves as providing the answer to that search.

Major Types of Biosurfactant

Biosurfactants can be categorized in terms of molecular weight as either low (< 1,000 Daltons) or high (> 1,000 Daltons) MW. In the high MW category are polymeric biosurfactants like Emulsan and Biodisperan and particulate biosurfactants, including vesicles and whole cells. Commercial activity is minor in in this high MW category. In the low MW category are glycolipids, lipopeptides and fatty acids. We will focus primarily on glycolipids in which by far the bulk of today’s activity is taking place. Sophorolipids, rhamnolipids, mannosylerythritol A(MEL A) and trehalose lipids are the major products of interest in this class. Surfactin, which is a lipopeptide is also worth a mention. Structures of these five types of products are outlined in Figure 1.

Sophorolipid. 18:1 Acid Form

Mono and Di Rhamnolipids

Mannosylerythritol A

Trehalose Lipid (dimycolate)


In terms of commercial activity, the most common products today are Sophorolipids and Rhamnolipids. Sophorolipids are sold typically as a blend of the acid and lactonic forms with the carbon chain length of the fatty acid in the 16 – 18 range. Rhamnolipids are typically sold as a blend of mono and di rhamnolipids with 3 hydroxy fatty acid chains most commonly with 10 carbon atoms each.

Companies Involved

This alphabetically ordered list contains companies known to the author to be involved commercially in biosurfactants. In some cases, the company is not a manufacturer but has a venture or collaboration with a manufacturer. Where such an arrangement is known for sure, it is noted. Otherwise the assumption is made that the company is a manufacturer either in its own assets or outside assets contracted for the purpose.

Table 1.

Commercial Status

Despite the current excitement around biosurfactants, it is widely recognized that more work needs to be done before this product group enters the mainstream of the surfactant market. Companies are focusing on two main areas.

  • Reducing Production Costs
  • Expanding Market Applications

Bulk, workhorse surfactant for the large cleaning applications sell globally in the low single digits (Dollar or Euros) per Kg. Specialty co-surfactants in the high single digits and only niche surfactants get into double digits.

In a review article published in the Journal of Surfactants and Detergents titled, "Surfactants produced from carbohydrate derivatives: Part2. A review on the value chain, synthesis, and the potential role of artificial intelligence within the biorefinery concept.", Marquez et al (3), develop an economic analysis of four sophorolipid and rhamnolipid projects. The calculated minimum selling prices for the surfactants for each project, necessary to cover costs and earn a minimum return, ranged from USD 36 per Kg down to USD 6.20 per Kg. This latter for a project utilizing 46% glucose syrup as a raw material in a plant of over 8,000 MT / yr capacity. It is not clear if capital costs were taken into account properly. However, the data suggest that getting costs into the right ballpark is possible.

Further, given the quote from Evonik relating to their Slovakia plant - capex in the “low 3 digit million euro range” and capacity of “double digit metric kilotons of rhamnolipids per year”, we could read this as 2 – 300 Million capex and maybe 30,000 MT capacity. If so, to pay the plant back in 5 years, and selling at capacity, they would need to earn cash margin of say, 50 Million a year. On 30,000 MT, that’s Euros 1,600 per MT. That seems reasonable, if they can get their costs into that USD 6.20 range noted above. Even if we are off by a factor of 2, it still seems reasonable. Of course, the remaining issue becomes where to sell that 30,000 MT per year. Evonik’s close customer partnership with Unilever will be useful in this regard. Unilever has already deployed Evonik rhamnolipids in a dishwash brand, Quix.

In terms of market applications, surfactants are used in hundreds of them, many, particularly outside of cleaning, highly specialized. Biosurfactants are not drop-in replacements for any current surfactants and so formulation work is needed. That is where the value of technical service and formulation chemists comes into play. You can see from Table 1 where we have noted some of the application areas companies are focusing on. In addition to cosmetics and personal care where price points are more forgiving than in household or industrial cleaning, companies are working on food, pharma, energy, fragrance, agrochemical and materials science applications. However as noted the larger companies, like Dow, Sasol and Evonik are focusing on the traditional cleaning markets with formulation support.

Supply Chain and Process Technology

In simple terms, the supply chain starts with oils and carbohydrates (mainly sugars). The oils are understood to provide the hydrophobic part of the biosurfactant and the sugars, the hydrophilic head group. The process is fermentation in the presence of a yeast, enzyme, bacterium or algae. The major drivers of cost are: the cost of the raw materials, the yield from those raw materials and the scale at which the plant is operating.

Oil sources are well understood and include the globally traded commodities used in food and, to a much lesser extent, in existing surfactants. These are palm, soybean, sunflower, canola, olive, rapeseed as well as waste sources of oils such as soap stock.

Sugars can be obtained from a range of sources including food waste, and starch sources such as corn. Cellulosic sugars from agricultural feedstocks are also emerging. The quality of the sugar (e.g., purity and chemical structure) plays a key role in the cost and quality of the surfactant produced.

Commercial glucose is around USD 500 per MT and oils sell in the USD 800 – 1,000 per MT (palm oil) range today.

The major microorganisms used today are Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a bacterium, in the production of rhamnolipids and Starmerella bombicola, a yeast in the production of sophorlipids. Both wild-type and genetically engineered variants have been investigated. Additionally, algae have been developed as fermentation vehicles.

Non confidential details on process technology are hard to come by. However, a general outline for rhamnolipid production has been provided by Nagtode et al (4) in ACS Omega 2023 8 (13), 11674-11699. In summary it involves the following.

  • The carbohydrate, oil, nutrient medium and microbe in saline solution are mixed sterile conditions
  • Agitated fermentation at 30 C for up to 96 hours
  • Centrifugation separates the spent microbes from the supernatant solution
  • pH adjustmen of the supernatant to 2 precipitates out the rhamnolipid
  • Centrifugation separates out the spent glucose in the supernatant
  • Remaining rhamnolipid is washed with solvent
  • Distillation under vacuum removes the solvent leaving crude rhamnolipid

Clearly cycle times could be reduced resulting in much better capex efficiency.


Given the activity in the field, particularly in the last ten years, the author is bullish on biosurfactants. However, new chemistry takes time and money. Reconsider the capex and capacity numbers for the Evonik plant noted above and then also consider the time and money spent by the company on R&D, market and applications development since 2010 when they entered the area. The capacity deployed for biosurfactants is very small fraction of the 20 million MT / yr surfactant market; less than 1%. Think also of the development of the supply chain needed to support the industry with oils and carbohydrate of the right quality and quantity and in the right place. This will take time and money to develop.

Having said that, patient capital invested at this stage in the development of the industry may well see good results, in time. The so-called megatrends of sustainability are supporting many of the key precepts of this product class.

Biosurfactants, however, are not the only product class that can support development of a third leg of the surfactant value chain. A future review of biobased surfactants will complete the picture.


The future of cosmetics lies in the continued evolution of holistic approaches which represents a transformative shift in the industry, merging scientific advancements, natural ingredients, and wellness principles. By understanding and embracing the interconnectedness of these elements, the cosmetics industry can cultivate products that not only enhance external beauty but also contribute to the overall well-being of individuals and the planet.

The interplay between beauty from within and topical cosmetics is the key for future products. The integration of biotechnology and green chemistry is revolutionizing cosmetic formulations, offering sustainable and biocompatible alternatives.

Developers can implement blockchain to trace the journey of ingredients from source to product. Nevertheless, the efficacy of the natural products should be scientifically proven. Marketers can communicate transparency as a brand value, and parallelly educate consumers by highlighting how specific ingredients contribute to radiant and healthy skin.

By embracing the synergy between these approaches and leveraging scientific advancements, the cosmetics industry can provide consumers with comprehensive beauty solutions that cater to both internal and external dimensions of beauty.

Surfactant Applications

The application area lends itself particularly well to the use of AI. Active today in this area is the US company Potion AI (6). The company provides AI-powered formulation tools for beauty and personal care R&D. Their offerings include Potion GPT, next generation ingredient and formula databases and AI document processing. Potion’s work could have a significant impact on the entire surfactant value chain, from raw material suppliers to end consumers. By using their GPT technology, they can help target work toward novel surfactant molecules that have optimal properties for specific applications. By using their ingredient and formula databases, they can access and analyze a vast amount of data on surfactant performance, safety, and sustainability. By using their AI document processing, they can extract and organize relevant information from patents, scientific papers, and regulatory documents. These capabilities could enable Potion AI's customers to design and optimize surfactant formulations that are more effective, eco-friendly, and cost-efficient. A particularly interesting application for this type of capability is deformulation.

Deformulation is the process of reverse engineering a product's formulation by identifying and quantifying its ingredients. Deformulation can be used for various purposes, such as quality control, competitive analysis, patent infringement, or product improvement. However, deformulation can be challenging, time-consuming, and costly, as it requires sophisticated analytical techniques, expert knowledge, and access to large databases of ingredients and formulas.

AI can potentially enhance and simplify the deformulation process by using data-driven methods to infer the composition and structure of a product from its properties and performance. For example, AI can use machine learning to learn the relationships between ingredients and their effects on the product's characteristics, such as color, texture, fragrance, stability, or efficacy. AI can also use natural language processing to extract and analyze information from various sources, such as labels, patents, literature, or online reviews, to identify the possible ingredients and their concentrations in a product.

Figure 2. Skin Section with Microbiome. Most microorganisms live in the superficial layers of the stratum corneum and in the upper parts of the hair follicles. Some reside in the deeper areas of the hair follicles and are beyond the reach of ordinary disinfection procedures. There bacteria are a reservoir for recolonization after the surface bacteria are removed.

About the Author


Neil Burns is managing partner of Neil A Burns LLC, an investment and advisory firm focused on the surfactant and oleochemicals industries.
He is also CEO of P2 Science, Inc. a renewable chemicals company. He holds a BSc. in Chemistry from the University of York, UK and an MBA from the Wharton School.


Managing Partner Neil A Burns LLC

References and notes

  1. Bergström S, Theorell H, Davide H. On a metabolic product of Ps. pyocyanea, pyolipic acid, active against Myobact. tuberculosis. Arkiv Kemi Mineral Geol. 1947b;23A:1–15

  2. Jarvis FG, Johnson MJ. A Glyco-lipide produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. J Am Chem Soc. 1949;71:4124–4126.

  3. Marquez R, Ortiz MS, BarriosN,VeraRE,Patiño-AgudeloA ́J,

    Vivas KA, et al. Surfactants produced from carbohydrate derivatives: Part 2. A review on the value chain, synthesis, and the potential role of artificial intelligence within the biorefinery concept. J Surfact Deterg. 2024. 10.1002/jsde.12766

  4. Nagtode VS, Cardoza C, Yasin HKA, Mali SN, Tambe SM, Roy P, Singh K, Goel A, Amin PD, Thorat BR, Cruz JN, Pratap AP. Green Surfactants (Biosurfactants): A Petroleum-Free Substitute for Sustainability-Comparison, Applications, Market, and Future Prospects. ACS Omega. 2023 Mar 24;8(13):11674-11699. doi: 10.1021/acsomega.3c00591. PMID: 37033812; PMCID: PMC10077441.